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you’re reading about business topics, you’re going to come across terms such as business, entrepreneurship, and startups quite often. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing for someone who is just starting out to differentiate these terms. Read on to learn the difference between business, entrepreneurship, and startups. This should make it a lot easier to keep the concepts distinct in your head.


Businesses refer to any type of business that you might run into on a daily basis. People who run standard businesses are looking into things that already exist. This might mean someone buying an established business and trying to keep it going. It could also mean using a tried-and-true idea to continue to seek profits.


Entrepreneurship is a bit different than standard businesses because entrepreneurs look at things in different ways. Many entrepreneurs have big ideas and they look to find success in new ways. They might try to open an old type of business but they’re going to put a new spin on it if they do. They aren’t as focused on profit potential as they are on innovation.

There are several types of businesses that entrepreneurs can open. An entrepreneur might open a type of business that is a completely new concept. This could involve coming up with a new service or product that could change the way that people approach problems. Just remember that entrepreneurship is meant to be about innovation while running a standard business is more about maintaining the status quo in order to profit.


Startup companies are brand-new businesses that are being started by one person or a group of people. You’ll often find that startup companies have interesting ideas and approaches to the concept of business. For the most part, startups are going to be large in scale and they will have big ambitions. You won’t find a startup company that is just opening one store in an area with no intention of growing larger since that would just fall under the entrepreneurship category rather than being a true startup.